Is My Early Retirement — Too Late?

    Here I have been worrying about retiring too early. I am 64 and my “full” retirement age is a year and a half away yet. I had been deciding to retire early for many reasons, including wanting to spend some quality years with my older husband with us both healthy.

     Now I find myself seriously sick these last two weeks with a “cold”. At least I have been hoping it is only a cold, since I have had no fever. But hearing reports about young people thinking they just have a cold and then dying, of pneumonia supposedly after being having the flu going around. John, my husband and I have been sick for 1, going on 2 weeks now. Then, last night I was considering going to the ER, Urgent center or seeing a doctor. I was having trouble breathing and standing upright with pain on my right lungs area.  I remember having similar pain when I was in my 20’s, pleurisy and walking pneumonia. Pleurisy for the stabbing pain with deep breathing and walking pneumonia since I was still up walking and had pneumonia.

     Well we have both gotten through last night and today. Have been taking zinc lozenges and loads of healthy foods/liquids: mostly taking green smoothies and vegetable-bean soups with lots of healing spices like turmeric, nutritional yeast and other such additives to up our nutrient levels. Health regained by healthy intake. Let food be thy medicine and let medicine be thy food as Hippocrates stated.

     We seem to be a bit better today. I sure hope we are both truly better. I will be extremely mad if I am retiring too late to enjoy any time with my husband. Even madder if I am not around for at least a couple of years to explore and do a few of the things on the old bucket list.